
yash shorthand – don't type the accents


Beatles Guide to Yash Shorthand at http://yash3k.com

n· smvr ny blk mänq hls v dkót yr lvd 'ǐq bö némd rkí rkn x vn dé hs vmn rn f vy nyr gä ht ǐq rkí n y ä rkí wx läk yt hí sd, “/m gn gt yt bö” ś vn dé hí vkt xú tvn bkd hmslf 'rúm ny lókl slún

Now somewhere in the black mining hills of Dakota There lived a young boy named Rocky Raccoon And one day his woman ran off with another guy Hit young Rocky in the eye Rocky didn't like that He said, “I'm gonna get that boy” So one day he walked into town Booked himself a room in the local saloon

rkí rkn jkt xú hs rúm nl tú fäx gdns bäbl bt rkí hd km Qpt vy 'gn tú cút f ylgs v hs rävl

Rocky Raccoon checked into his room Only to find Gideon's bible But Rocky had come equipped with a gun To shoot off the legs of his rival

hs rävl t síms hd brókn hs dríms bä zílq ygrl v hs fnś hr ném vs mgl' cí kw hrslf ll x vrívn nú hr s̀ nnsi

His rival it seems had broken his dreams By stealing the girl of his fancy Her name was Magill and she called herself Lil And everyone knew her as Nancy

cí' hr mn, hú kw hmslf dn vr ny nkz rúm t yhdvn rkí brz n, x grnq 'grn hí sd: dní bö, ys s̀ 'cód·n

She and her man, who called himself Dan Were in the next room at the hoedown Rocky burst in, and grinning a grin He said: Danny boy, this is a showdown

n·, dnǐl vs ht, hí drú frz' ct x rkí klpz ny krnr rkí rkn, hí fl bk n hs rúm nl tú fäx gdns bäbl

Now, Daniel was hot, he drew first and shot And Rocky collapsed in the corner Rocky Raccoon, he fell back in his room Only to find Gideon's bible

gdn jkt ·t, x hí lft t nó d·t tú hlp vy gd rkís rvävl

Gideon checked out, and he left it no doubt To help with good Rocky's revival


Bob Dylan Guide to Yash Shorthand at http://yash3k.com

vl, frnkí lí' júds príz yé vr y bz v frxs ś vn frnkí lí níw mní vn dé júds kvklí pw ·t 'ról v tns x pléz ym n 'ftzl jz bv ypww plén Syn', “ték ǐr pk, frnkí bö mä ls vl b ǐr gén”

Well, Frankie Lee and Judas Priest They were the best of friends So when Frankie Lee needed money one day Judas quickly pulled out a roll of tens And placed them on a footstool Just above the plotted plain Sayin', “Take your pick, Frankie Boy My loss will be your gain”

vl, frnkí lí, hí z rt d·n x pt hs fqgrs tú hs jn bt vyy ków s̀ v júds n hm hs hd bgn tú spn “kd y plís x zr t mí läk yt, ” hí sd “ts jz mä fúlc prd bt smtäms 'mn mz b lón x ys s̀ nó plés tú häd”

Well, Frankie Lee, he sat right down And put his fingers to his chin But with the cold eyes of Judas on him His head began to spin “Could ya please not stare at me like that, ” he said “It's just my foolish pride But sometimes a man must be alone And this is no place to hide”

vl, júds, hí jz vnkd' sd “l rt, /l lív ǔ hír bt ǔ'd btr hrí p' jús vj v yós bls ǔ vx, bfr yé l dspr” “/m gn zw mä pckn' rt n· jz tl mí vr ǔl b” júds pöxd d·n yrd x sd, “Etrxí”

Well, Judas, he just winked and said “All right, I'll leave you here But you'd better hurry up and choose Which of those bills you want, before they all disappear” “I'm gonna start my pickin' right now Just tell me where you'll be” Judas pointed down the road And said, “Eternity”

“Etrxí?”, sd frnkí lí vy 'vös s̀ ków s̀ s “yts rt”, sd júds, “Etrxí yó ǔ mät kl t 'pwäs'” “/dx kl t níyq” sd frnkí lí vy 'smäl “l rt”, sd júds príz “/l ś ǔ ftr 'väl”

“Eternity?”, said Frankie Lee With a voice as cold as ice “That's right”, said Judas, “Eternity Though you might call it 'Paradise'” “I don't call it anything” Said Frankie Lee with a smile “All right”, said Judas Priest “I'll see you after a while”

vl, frnkí lí, hí z bk d·n fln' ló' mín vn jz yn 'psq zrénjr brz pn ysín séq, “r ǔ frnkí lí, ygmblr hús fyrs dsíz? vl, f r, yrs 'fló cln' ǔ, d·n yrd x yé ś hs ném s̀ príz”

Well, Frankie Lee, he sat back down Feelin' low and mean When just then a passing stranger Burst upon the scene Saying, “Are you Frankie Lee, the gambler Whose father's deceased? Well, if you are, there's a fellow callin' you, down the road And they say his name is Priest”

“oh, ǐs, hí s̀ mä frx” sd frnkí lí n frt “/dú ríkl hm vrí vl n fkt, hí jz lft mä st” “ǐs, yts y vn, ” sd yzrénjr s̀ kvät s̀ 'm·s “oh, mä msj s̀, hís d·n yrd zrxd n 'h·s”

“Oh, yes, he is my friend” Said Frankie Lee in fright “I do recall him very well In fact, he just left my sight” “Yes, that's the one, ” said the stranger As quiet as a mouse “Oh, my message is, he's down the road Stranded in a house”

vl, frnkí lí, hí pnckd hí drpt vríyq' rn xl hí kém n y spt vr júds príz w zx “vt käx v h·s s̀ ys, ” hí sd “vr /v km tú róm?” “ts éx 'h·s”, ss júds príz “ts éx 'h·s, ts 'hóm”

Well, Frankie Lee, he panicked He dropped everything and ran Until he came on to the spot Where Judas Priest did stand “What kind of house is this, ” he said “Where I have come to roam?” “It's not a house”, says Judas Priest “It's not a house, it's a home”

vl, frnkí lí, hí trmbw hí sún lz l kxról óvr vríyq vj hí hd méd väl ymcn bls w tól hí jz sw yr zrq t yt bg h·s s̀ brt s̀ ní sn vy fr' tvxí vxós x 'vmns fés n vrí vn

Well, Frankie Lee, he trembled He soon lost all control Over everything which he had made While the mission bells did toll He just stood there staring At that big house as bright as any sun With four and twenty windows And a woman's face in every one

vl, p yzrs rn frnkí lí vy 'slfl, bxq líp x fmq t ym·y hí bgn tú mék hs mdnt kríp fr skzín nts' dés hí révd bt ny svxíny hí brz xú y rms v júds príz vj s̀ vr hí dd v yrz

Well, up the stairs ran Frankie Lee With a soulful, bounding leap And foaming at the mouth He began to make his midnight creep For sixteen nights and days he raved But on the seventeenth he burst Into the arms of Judas Priest Which is where he died of thirst

nó vn trd tú ś 'yq vn yé krd hm ·t n jz Xspt, f ks, ywl nébr bö hú krd hm tú rz x hí jz vkt lq, lón vy hs gw ś vl knsw x mtw xrníy hs bry “nyq s̀ rvíw”

No one tried to say a thing When they carried him out in jest Except, of course, the little neighbor boy Who carried him to rest And he just walked along, alone With his guilt so well concealed And muttered underneath his breath “Nothing is revealed”

vl, ymrl fy zrí ymrl v ys sq s̀ smplí yt vn cd nvr b vr vn dsx blq ś vn ǔ ś ǐr nébr kríq smyq hlp hm vy hs ld x dx gó mzkq pwäs fr yt hóm krs yrd

Well, the moral of the story The moral of this song Is simply that one should never be Where one does not belong So when you see your neighbor carrying somethin' Help him with his load And don't go mistaking Paradise For that home across the road


Bob Dylan Guide to Yash Shorthand at http://yash3k.com

pzl cts rq ·t ny brrm nt xr pty vlxän frm y pr hl cí sís 'bwxr n 'pl v bw kräs ·t mä gd, yé kw ym l hír kms yzrí fy hrkén ymn y ywís kém tú blém fr smyq yt hí nvr dn pt n 'prsn sl, bt vn täm hí kdv bn yjmpín fy vrw

Pistol shots ring out in the barroom night Enter Patty Valentine from the upper hall She sees a bartender in a pool of blood Cries out my God, they killed them all Here comes the story of the Hurricane The man the authorities came to blame For something that he never done Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been The champion of the world

yrí bdís läq yr ds pty ś x nyr mn némd bl, múvq r·x mzríslí /wx dú t, hí ss, x hí thrvs p hs hxs /vs nl rbq yrjzr, /hp ǔ xrzx /ś ym lívq, hí ss, x hí zps vn f s̀ hd btr kl p ykps x ś pty kls ykps x yé räv ny sín vy yr w lts flcq ny ht NJ nät

Three bodies lying there does Patty see And another man named Bello, moving around mysteriously I didn't do it, he says, and he throws up his hands I was only robbing the register, I hope you understand I saw them leaving, he says, and he stops One of us had better call up the cops And so Patty calls the cops And they arrive on the scene with their red lights flashing In the hot New Jersey night

mínväl, fr vé n nyr pw v t·n rbn kwr' 'kpl v frxs r drävq r·x nmbr vn cxxr fry mdlvét kr·n hd nó ädí vt kx ct vs b·t tg d·n vn 'kp pw hm óvr y säd fy rd jz läk ytäm bfr 'y täm bfr yt n ptrsn yts jz yvé yqs gó f ur blk ǔ mät s̀ vl x có p ny zrt ls ǔ vx tú dr yhít

Meanwhile, far away in another part of town Rubin Carter and a couple of friends are driving around Number one contender for the middleweight crown Had no idea what kinda shit was about to go down When a cop pulled him over to the side of the road Just like the time before and the time before that In Paterson that's just the way things go If you're black you might as well not show up on the street Less you want to draw the heat

alfw bl hd 'pwnr' hí hd 'rp fry kps hm' aryr dkzr bwlí vr jz ·t prvlq rplx hí sd, /ś tú mn rnq ·t, yé lkt läk mwlvéts yé jmpt xú 'vät kr vy ·t-v-zét plts x ms pty vlxän jz xd hr hd kp sd, vét 'mx, bös, ys vns x w ś yé tk hm tú y nfrmrí x yó ys mn kd hwlí ś yé tw hm yt hí kd ädxfä ygwí mn

Alfred Bello had a partner and he had a rap for the cops Him and Arthur Dexter Bradley were just out prowling around He said, I saw two men running out, they looked like middleweights They jumped into a white car with out-of-state plates And Miss Patty Valentine just nodded her head Cop said, wait a minute, boys, this one's not dead So they took him to the infirmary And though this man could hardly see They told him that he could identify the guilty men

fr ny mrnq' yé hl rbn n yé tk hm y hsptl' yé bw hm pzrs yvúxd mn lks p yrú hs vn däq ä ss, väd ǔ brq hm n hír fr? hí éx ygä! hírs yzrí fy hrkén ymn y ywís kém tú blém fr smyq yt hí nvr dn pt n 'prsn sl, bt vn täm hí kdv bn yjmpín fy vrw

Four in the morning and they haul Rubin in They took him to the hospital and they brought him upstairs The wounded man looks up through his one dying eye Says, wha'd you bring him in here for? He ain't the guy! Here's the story of the Hurricane The man the authorities came to blame For something that he never done Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been The champion of the world

fr mnys ltr, ygtos r n flém rbqs n s·y mrk, fätq fr hs ném väl aryr dkzr bwlís zl ny rbbry gém 'y kps r ptq yskrvs thm, lkq fr smbdí tú blém rmbr yt mwr yt hpx n 'br rmbr ǔ sd ǔ ś ygtvé kr ǔ ynk ǔd läk tú plé bl vyy l ynk t mätv bn yt fätr yt ǔ ś rnq yt nt dx frgt yt ǔr vät

Four months later, the ghettos are in flame Rubings in South America, fighting for his name While Arthur Dexter Bradley's still in the robbery game And the cops are putting the screws to him, looking for somebody to blame Remember that murder that happened in a bar Remember you said you saw the getaway car You think you'd like to play ball with the law Think it might-a been that fighter that you saw running that night Don't forget that you are white

aryr dkzr bwlí sd /m rlí x cr ykps sd 'púr bö läk ǔ kd s̀ 'brék ví gt ǔ fry mótl jb' vír tlkq tú ǐr frx blo ǔ dx vx hv tg bk tú jél, b 'näs fló ǔl b dúq sóstí 'fvr yt snfbtj s̀ brév' gtq brvr ví vx tú pt hs s̀ n zr ví vx tú pn ys trpl mwr n hm hí éx nó jxlmn jm

Arthur Dexter Bradley said I'm really not sure The cops said a poor boy like you could use a break We got you for the motel job and we're talking to your friend Bello You don't wanta have to go back to jail, be a nice fellow You'll be doing society a favor That sonofabitch is brave and getting braver We want to put his ass in stir We want to pin this triple murder on him He ain't no Gentleman Jim

rbn kd ték 'mn ·t vy jz vn pnj bt hí nvr w läk tú tk b·t t l yt mj ts mä vrk, híd ś, x /dú t fr pé x vn ts óvr 'd jz s̀ sún gó n mä vé p tú sm pwäs vr ytrt zríms fló' y r s̀ näs x rd 'hrs lq 'trél bt yn yé tk hm y jlhs vr yé trä tú trn 'mn xú 'm·s

Rubin could take a man out with just one punch But he never did like to talk about it all that much It's my work, he'd say, and I do it for pay And when it's over I'd just as soon go on my way Up to some paradise Where the trout streams flow and the air is nice And ride a horse along a trail But then they took him to the jailhouse Where they try to turn a man into a mouse

l v rbqs kws vr mrkt n dvns yträl vs 'pg-srks, hí nvr hd 'jns yjj méd rbqs vtnss drnkws fmy slms y vät flks hú vjt hí vs 'rvlúcnrí bm x y blk flks hí vs jz 'kréś qr nó vn dw yt hí pw ytrgr x yó yé kd x pwús ygn yDA sd hí vs y vn hú w ydd x y l-vät jrí grd

All of Rubings cards were marked in advance The trial was a pig-circus, he never had a chance The judge made Rubings witnesses drunkards from the slums To the white folks who watched he was a revolutionary bum And to the black folks he was just a crazy n·gg·r No one doubted that he pulled the trigger And though they could not produce the gun The D.A. said he was the one who did the deed And the all-white jury agreed

rbn kwr vs flslí trd ykräm vs mwr vn, gs hú tzfd bl' bwlí' yé bóy bwly ld 'y núspéprs, yé l vx lq fry rd h· kn yläf v sj 'mn b ny pm v sm fúls hx tú ś hm obvslí frmd kwx hlp bt mék mí fíl cémd tú läv n 'lx vr jzs s̀ 'gém

Rubin Carter was falsely tried The crime was murder one, guess who testified Bello and Bradley and they both baldly lied And the newspapers, they all went along for the ride How can the life of such a man Be in the palm of some fool's hand To see him obviously framed Couldn't help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land Where justice is a game

n· l ykrmnls n yr kóts' yr täs r frí tú drnk mwnís' vj ysn räs väl rbn zs läk búd n 'tn-ft sl n nsx mn n 'lvq hl yts yzrí fy hrkén bt t vx b óvr tl yé klr hs ném x gv hm bk ytäm hís dn pt n 'prsn sl, bt vn täm hí kd- bn yjmpín fy vrw

Now all the criminals in their coats and their ties Are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise While Rubin sits like Buddha in a ten-foot cell An innocent man in a living hell That's the story of the Hurricane But it won't be over till they clear his name And give him back the time he's done Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been The champion of the world


Foster the People Guide to Yash Shorthand at http://yash3k.com

Rbws gt 'kvk hx híl lk r·x yrúm hí vx tl ǔ hs pln hís gt 'rów sgw hqq ·t hs m·y, hís 'k·bö kd

Robert's got a quick hand He'll look around the room he won't tell you his plan He's got a rolled cigarette Hanging out his mouth, he's a cowboy kid

hí f·x 'sks ctr gn n hs ws klz, n 'bks v fn yqs x dx ívn nó vt bt hs kmq f u i hs bt hs kmq f u

Yeah, he found a six shooter gun In his dad's closet, in a box of fun things And I don't even know what But he's coming for you, yeah, he's coming for you

l y yr kds vyy pmpd p kcks ǔ btr rn, btr rn, ·trn mä gn l y yr kds vyy pmpd p kcks ǔ btr rn, btr rn fzr yn mä bw

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You better run, better run, outrun my gun All the other kids with the pumped up kicks You better run, better run faster than my bullet

wí vrks 'lq dé x hís brqq mí 'srpräs ks dnrs ny kjn' ts pkt n s̀

Daddy works a long day And he's bringing me a surprise Cause dinner's in the kitchen and it's packed in ice

v véw fr 'lq täm yslt v mä hx s̀ n· 'kvk pl trgr /rísn vy mä sgw ǔ mz hv lz ǐr vts

I've waited for a long time Yeah, the slight of my hand is now a quick pull trigger I reason with my cigarette You must have lost your wits, yeah

l y yr kds vyy pmpd p kcks ǔ btr rn, btr rn, ·trn mä gn l y yr kds vyy pmpd p kcks ǔ btr rn, btr rn fzr yn mä bw


Ben Folds

Guide to Yash Shorthand at http://yash3k.com

Adléd n 'plén fr frm y ǔnäw zéts v LA drpq n frm ·tr spés téks 'dé n· /ś yBgns t ymótr rés r krc' brn 'u vd nvr nó t góq vr y r s̀ klr yrs bttr br n Adléd

Adelaide On a plane Far from the united states Of LA Dropping in from outer space Takes a day Now I see the Bogans At the motor race Or crash and burn And you would never know it Going where the air is clear There's better beer in Adelaide

jrlí hl-smys fwí yrz, hzrí n· /m 'fksr d·n Rxl ml vjq s̀ ylókls ps slvr bls /kn ś yr s̀ r r·x yé skn yspnq sdvlks lrnq yt yrs nó hrí fs r vrí Adléd

Charlie Hill-Smith's forty The rest, history Now I am a fixture down Rundle Mall Watching as the locals pass Silver balls I can see their eyes are round They scan the spanning sidewalks Learning that there is no hurry Fuss or worry Adelaide

ts rénq n Adléd 'fés s̀ vétq n 'vxó 'vös sés vä Adléd ǔ kd läv nívr' /ś bks /vx tú bks /vx tú /rlí rlí vx tú

It's raining In Adelaide A face is waiting in a window A voice says Why Adelaide You could live anywhere and I say Because I want to Because I want to I really really want to

' nó y ry kd trn r krc' brn ' vd nvr nó t rlí gt tú mék t y fnc län gt yrkw dn n täm pk ybgs x kj 'flt ' u kn ks mä s̀ gdbä /m n Adléd

And you know the earth could turn Or crash and burn And you would never know it And you know the earth could turn Or crash and burn And you would never know it Really got to make it to the finish line Get the record done on time Pack the bags And catch a flight And you can kiss my ass goodbye I'm in Adelaide


Semisonic Guide to Yash Shorthand at http://yash3k.com

klósq täm, ópn l ydrs x w ǔ ·t ny vrw klósq täm, trn l fy lts n óvr vrí bö' vrí grl

Closing time, open all the doors And let you out into the world Closing time, turn all of the lights on Over every boy and every girl

klósq täm, vn lz kl fr lkhl ś, fnc ǐr vskí r br klósq täm, ǔ dx hv tg hóm bt ú kx zé hr

Closing time, one last call for alcohol So, finish your whiskey or beer Closing time, you don't have to go home But you can't stay here

/nó hú /vx tú ték mí hóm ték mí hóm

I know who I want to take me home Take me home

klósq täm, täm fr ǔ tg ·t y pléss ǔ vl b frm klósq täm, ys rúm vx b ópn tl úr bryrs r ir szrs km

Closing time, time for you to go out To the places you will be from Closing time, this room won't be open Till your brothers or your sisters come

ś, gyr p ǐr jkts, múv t tú y xts /hp v f·x 'frx klósq täm, vrí nú bgnq kms frm sm yr bgnqs x

So, gather up your jackets, move it to the exits I hope you have found a friend Closing time, every new beginning Comes from some other beginning's end, yeah

/nó hú /vx tú ték mí hóm ték mí hóm

klósq täm, täm fr ǔ tg ·t y pléss ǔ vl b frm

Closing time, time for you to go out To the places you will be from

/nó hú /vx tú ték mí hóm ték mí hóm

klósq täm, vrí nú bgnq kms frm sm yr bgnqs x


Steph Poetri Guide to Yash Shorthand at http://yash3k.com

bébí, ték mä hx /vx ǔ tú b mä hsbx ks ǔr mä ärn mn x /lv ǔ 3000 bébí, ték 'jns ks /vx ys tú b smyq zrt ·t f 'hlívd múví

Baby, take my hand I want you to be my husband Cause you're my Iron Man And I love you 3000 Baby, take a chance Cause I want this to be something Straight out of a Hollywood movie

/ś ǔ zxq yr n ǐr hlk trvr x l /kn ynk s̀ vr s̀ yrq ks /nó ǔ vnt s̀k skw ymómx vl ps /kn sí t n ǐr äs

I see you standing there In your Hulk outerwear And all I can think Is where is the ring Cause I know you wanna ask Scared the moment will pass I can see it in your eyes

x l mä frxs yé tl mí yé ś ǔ plnq tgt n vn ní bt /vx t tú b ·t fy blú ś mék cr /v nó klús

And all my friends they tell me they see You planning to get on one knee But I want it to be out of the blue So make sure I have no clues

bébí, ték mä hx /vx ǔ tú b mä hsbx ks ǔ'r mä ärn mn x /lv ǔ 3000 bébí, ték 'jns ks /vx ys tú b smyq zrt ·t f 'hlívd múví

Baby, take my hand I want you to be my husband Cause you're my Iron Man And I love you 3000 Baby, take a chance Cause I want this to be something Straight out of a Hollywood movie

n· vír hvq dnr x bébí ǔ'r mä vnr /ś yvé ǔ smäl ǔr ynkq b·t y äl ǔ ríj n ǐr pkt mócn nlkq x bfr ǔ kd s̀k ǔ ríj n ǐr pkt mócn nlckq x bfr ǔ kd s̀k /nś tú fz

Now we're having dinner And baby you're my winner I see the way you smile You're thinking about the aisle You reach in your pocket Emotion unlocking And before you could ask You reach in your pocket Emotion unlocking And before you could ask I answer too fast

x l mä frxs yé tl mí yé sí ǔ plnq tgt n vn ní ś n· /kx zp ynkq b·t ǔ /fgǐw ·t l yklús ś n· /s̀k

And all my friends they tell me they see You planing to get on one knee So now I can't stop thinking about you I figured out all the clues So now I ask

bébí, ték mä hx /vx ǔ tú b mä hsbx ks ǔr mä ärn mn x /lv ǔ 3000 bébí, ték 'jns ks /vx ys tú b smyq zrt ·t f 'hlívd múví

nó splrs plís

No spoilers please

bébí, ték mä hx /vx ǔ tú b mä hsbx ks ǔr mä ärn mn x /lv ǔ 3000 bébí, ték 'jns ks /vx ys tú b smyq zrt ·t f 'hlívd múví, bébí

nó splrs plís x /lv ǔ 3000


JubJub Guide to Yash Shorthand at http://yash3k.com

lkq ·t ny mrnq rén /s̀d tú fíl ś nnspw x vn /nú /hd tú fés nyr dé lw, t méd mí fíl ś täw

Looking out on the morning rain I used to feel so uninspired And when I knew I had to face another day Lord, it made me feel so tired

bfr ydé /mt ǔ, läf vs ś nkäx bt ǔr ykí tú mä pís v mäx ks ǔ mék mí fíl ǔ mék mí fíl läk 'njrl vmn

Before the day I met you, life was so unkind But you're the key to my peace of mind Cause you make me feel You make me feel like a natural woman

vn mä sól vs ny lz' f·x ǔ kém lq tú klém t wx nó jz vt vs rq vy mí xl ǐr ks hlpt mí ném t

When my soul was in the lost and found You came along to claim it I didn't know just what was wrong with me Until your kiss helped me name it

x f/ mék ǔ hpí dx nd td mr ks ǔ mék mí fíl ǔ mék mí fíl ǔ mék mí fíl läk 'njrl vmn

And if I make you happy I don't need to do more Cause you make me feel You make me feel You make me feel like a natural woman

bébí, vt ǔv dn tú mí x /jz vx tú b klós t, ǔ mék mí fíl ś läv

Baby, what you've done to me And I just want to be Close to you, you make me feel so alive

ǔ mék mí fíl ǔ mék mí fíl ǔ mék mí fíl läk 'njrl vmn


Dadi Freyr Guide to Yash Shorthand at http://yash3k.com

bébí, /kx vét tú nó blv mí, /l lvés b yr, ś

Baby, I can't wait to know Believe me, I'll always be there, so

yó /nó /lv ǔ /fäx t hw tú ś h· ǔ fíl b·t mí ks /dx xrzx ǔ ǔ r ǐt tú lrn h· tú spík

Though I know I love you I find it hard to see how you feel about me Cause I don't understand you You are yet to learn how to speak

/vl nvr frgt ks ívn yó /wx nó ǔ ǐt ví vr b·x tgyr, yn' frvr x /kd nvr w ǔ gó

I will never forget Cause even though I didn't know you yet We were bound together, then and forever And I could never let you go

bébí, /kx vét tú nó vt dú ǔ ynk b·t yqs? ǔ kn tl mí níyq' /l lsn

Baby, I can't wait to know What do you think about things? You can tell me anything and I'll listen

vn ví r tgyr yr sx nívr yt /vd ryr b yrí bws f 'fyr /jz hp ǔ njö ·r kmpní ts bn sm täm x yó hw tú dfän s̀ f yzrs hv zwd tú län ví r b·x tgyr, n·' frvr x /vl nvr w ǔ gó

When we are together There isn't anywhere that I would rather be Three birds of a feather I just hope you enjoy our company It's been some time And though hard to define As if the stars have started to align We are bound together, now and forever And I will never let you go

bébí, /kx vét tú nó vt dú ǔ ynk b·t yqs? blv mí, /vl lvés b yr, ś ǔ kn tl mí níyq' /l lsn

/mät ívn nó vt tú ś bt íyr vé, t líz /l b yr

I might even know what to say But either way, at least I'll be there

bébí, /kx vét tú nó vt dú ǔ ynk b·t yqs? blv mí, /vl lvés b yr, ś ǔ kn tl mí níyq' /l lsn vt dú ǔ ynk b·t yqs? blv mí, /vl lvés b yr, ś ǔ kn tl mí níyq' /l lsn

Vixy & Tony https://youtu.be/PjxMieuRPe4

Vic Tyler (Original – Carmen Miranda's Ghost) https://youtu.be/w34fSnJNP-4

Vixy Guide to Yash Shorthand at http://yash3k.com

jémí dsn vsy kptn fy krsjn' hr krú x hí flú' ft ykrsjn ny vr v 82 n· ykrsjn vsy fänz cp btvn hír' crlmén 'y krú v jémí dsn vsy sém

Jayme Dawson was the captain of the Christian and her crew And he flew and fought the Christian in the war of 82 Now the Christian was the finest ship between here and Charlemagne And the crew of Jayme Dawson was the same

n ptról n sktr svn, kípq vj n brbrs sn yé vr jmpt bä yrí lt crsrs yó yé vr nó mj fr vn jémí mz hv nón yéd fänly bt yfrm

On patrol in sector seven, keeping watch on Barber's sun They were jumped by three light cruisers though they were no match for one Jayme must have known they'd finlly bought the farm

n· yé ś yt jémí dsn vs nó mn tú kt' rn x yé ś yt vn hí ft hí hd yfǐrí f 'sn bt yé ś hí méd hs brgn vy sm p·r fy nt yt hí sów hs sól tú vn hs fänl fät

Now they say that Jayme Dawson was no man to cut and run And they say that when he fought he had the fury of a sun But they say he made his bargain with some power of the night That he sold his soul to win his final fight

nó vn lvq ś yt btl, yó yflt vs kvk tú lív bt t yst yé f·x 'sín nó sén mn vd blv yrí lt crsrs kt tú rbbns, rkj sktw l r·x bt nó trés v dsns krsjn kd b f·x

No one living saw that battle, though the fleet was quick to leave But at the site they found a scene no sane man would believe Three light cruisers cut to ribbons, wreckage scattered all around But no trace of Dawson's Christian could be found

yrr zrís fy djmn, yslz' brnms präd yrr zrís fy hrsmn 'y ldí t hs säd bt ytél yt méks mä bw rn ków, ymzr bks ts trú s̀ ytél v jémí dsn' hs krú ǐs, ytél v dsns krsjn' hr krú

There are stories of the Dutchman, the Celeste and Barnham's Pride There are stories of the Horseman and the Lady at his side But the tale that makes my blood run cold, the more because it's true Is the tale of Jayme Dawson and his crew Yes, the tale of Dawson's Christian and her crew

/vs skx mét n hrs drím, 'frtr fy län rnq lds v prcs mtls y klní n nän /vs zxq skx vj v yt móz nívxfl flt vn ypäw cps pw ·t fy nt

I was second mate on Hera's Dream, a freighter of the line Running loads of precious metals to the colony on Nine I was standing second watch of that most uneventful flight When the pirate ships appeared out of the night

vl /yt ·r fét vs zw, fr yé hd s̀ fr tú vn 'kx fät bwí pws vn ǐr frtr hs nó gn ś ví sw bä tú b bwd bä 'pwí ǐt nsín vn nyr cp pw pn ·r skrín

Well I thought our fate was settled, for they had us four to one And you can't fight bloody pirates when your freighter has no gun So we stood by to be boarded by a party yet unseen When another ship appeared upon our screen

frz /yt cí vs 'päw, bt yvktr vs l rq yn /yt yflt hd f·x s̀, bt ysgnl vsx zrq x ·r hlq bw nó nś, x /fw 'sdn dw fry zrénjrs cíws vr p' glóq w

First I thought she was a pirate, but the vector was all wrong Then I thought the fleet had found us, but the signal wasn't strong And our hailing brought no answer, and I felt a sudden dread For the stranger's shields were up and glowing red

n· ykrj v yt sqgl cp s̀ cón bä vrí fǔ x /yt nn bt 'mdmn vd flä hr s̀ cí flú cí vs ·tgnx, cí vs ·tnmbw, bt 'jr kém frm ·r lps vn cí svq tú fär ny päw cps

Now the courage of that single ship is shown by very few And I thought none but a madman would fly her as she flew She was outgunned, she was outnumbered, but a cheer came from our lips When she swung to fire on the pirate ships

'y zrénjrs bms brx brtr yn l bms /d sín bfr 'y zrénjrs cíws vr hwr yn yhw f ní hr 'y btl rx y íyr, s̀ ví vjt' ck ·r hds fr päw cps cí kt tú bwí cws fr päw cps vr kt tú bwí cws

And the stranger's beams burned brighter than all beams I'd seen before And the stranger's shields were harder than the heart of any whore And the battle rent the ether, as we watched and shook our heads Four pirate ships she cut to bloody shreds Four pirate ships were cut to bloody shreds

jz s̀ kvklí s̀ t zwd yn yfätq vs l dn fry päw cps vr ctw 'y zrénjrs cp hd vn cí mjt v' lé bsäd s̀, x ví vjt hr fl f v x cí drpt hr cíws' ys s̀ vt ví ś

Just as quickly as it started then the fighting was all done For the pirate ships were shattered and the stranger's ship had won She matched v and lay beside us, and we watched her full of awe And she dropped her shields and this is what we saw

yr vr ywí hóls klín yrú hr, x 'gc lq vn säd x ví nú yt vn t hpx, vrí sól n bw hd dd yn cí rów tú có hr mrkqs, x ví w ym' ví nú yfét v jémí dsn' hs krú cí vsy krsjn' 'grév fr l hr krú

There were thirty holes clean through her, and a gash along one side And we knew that when it happened, every soul on board had died Then she rolled to show her markings, and we read them and we knew The fate of Jayme Dawson and his crew She was the Christian and a grave for all her crew

yn cí trx s̀ f tú lív s̀, bt nsw bgn tú féd frz hr hl, x yn hr blkhds, s̀ ví trmbw yr frd bt yrr tvxí mn húl svr vy mí, ylz tú slp frm vǔ vr ybóns v jémí dsn' hs krú w vät bóns v jémí dsn' hs krú

Then she turned as if to leave us, but instead began to fade First her hull, and then her bulkheads, as we trembled there afraid But there are twenty men who'll swear with me, the last to slip from view Were the bones of Jayme Dawson and his crew Dead white bones of Jayme Dawson and his crew

yrr zrís fy djmn, yslz' brnms präd yrr zrís fy hrsmn 'y ldí t hs säd bt ytél yt méks mä bw rn ków, ymzr bks ts trú s̀ ytél v jémí dsn' hs krú ǐs, ytél v dsns krsjn' hr krú