Think About Things

Dadi Freyr Guide to Yash Shorthand at

bébí, /kx vét tú nó blv mí, /l lvés b yr, ś

Baby, I can't wait to know Believe me, I'll always be there, so

yó /nó /lv ǔ /fäx t hw tú ś h· ǔ fíl b·t mí ks /dx xrzx ǔ ǔ r ǐt tú lrn h· tú spík

Though I know I love you I find it hard to see how you feel about me Cause I don't understand you You are yet to learn how to speak

/vl nvr frgt ks ívn yó /wx nó ǔ ǐt ví vr b·x tgyr, yn' frvr x /kd nvr w ǔ gó

I will never forget Cause even though I didn't know you yet We were bound together, then and forever And I could never let you go

bébí, /kx vét tú nó vt dú ǔ ynk b·t yqs? ǔ kn tl mí níyq' /l lsn

Baby, I can't wait to know What do you think about things? You can tell me anything and I'll listen

vn ví r tgyr yr sx nívr yt /vd ryr b yrí bws f 'fyr /jz hp ǔ njö ·r kmpní ts bn sm täm x yó hw tú dfän s̀ f yzrs hv zwd tú län ví r b·x tgyr, n·' frvr x /vl nvr w ǔ gó

When we are together There isn't anywhere that I would rather be Three birds of a feather I just hope you enjoy our company It's been some time And though hard to define As if the stars have started to align We are bound together, now and forever And I will never let you go

bébí, /kx vét tú nó vt dú ǔ ynk b·t yqs? blv mí, /vl lvés b yr, ś ǔ kn tl mí níyq' /l lsn

/mät ívn nó vt tú ś bt íyr vé, t líz /l b yr

I might even know what to say But either way, at least I'll be there

bébí, /kx vét tú nó vt dú ǔ ynk b·t yqs? blv mí, /vl lvés b yr, ś ǔ kn tl mí níyq' /l lsn vt dú ǔ ynk b·t yqs? blv mí, /vl lvés b yr, ś ǔ kn tl mí níyq' /l lsn