Rocky Raccoon

Beatles Guide to Yash Shorthand at

n· smvr ny blk mänq hls v dkót yr lvd 'ǐq bö némd rkí rkn x vn dé hs vmn rn f vy nyr gä ht ǐq rkí n y ä rkí wx läk yt hí sd, “/m gn gt yt bö” ś vn dé hí vkt xú tvn bkd hmslf 'rúm ny lókl slún

Now somewhere in the black mining hills of Dakota There lived a young boy named Rocky Raccoon And one day his woman ran off with another guy Hit young Rocky in the eye Rocky didn't like that He said, “I'm gonna get that boy” So one day he walked into town Booked himself a room in the local saloon

rkí rkn jkt xú hs rúm nl tú fäx gdns bäbl bt rkí hd km Qpt vy 'gn tú cút f ylgs v hs rävl

Rocky Raccoon checked into his room Only to find Gideon's bible But Rocky had come equipped with a gun To shoot off the legs of his rival

hs rävl t síms hd brókn hs dríms bä zílq ygrl v hs fnś hr ném vs mgl' cí kw hrslf ll x vrívn nú hr s̀ nnsi

His rival it seems had broken his dreams By stealing the girl of his fancy Her name was Magill and she called herself Lil And everyone knew her as Nancy

cí' hr mn, hú kw hmslf dn vr ny nkz rúm t yhdvn rkí brz n, x grnq 'grn hí sd: dní bö, ys s̀ 'cód·n

She and her man, who called himself Dan Were in the next room at the hoedown Rocky burst in, and grinning a grin He said: Danny boy, this is a showdown

n·, dnǐl vs ht, hí drú frz' ct x rkí klpz ny krnr rkí rkn, hí fl bk n hs rúm nl tú fäx gdns bäbl

Now, Daniel was hot, he drew first and shot And Rocky collapsed in the corner Rocky Raccoon, he fell back in his room Only to find Gideon's bible

gdn jkt ·t, x hí lft t nó d·t tú hlp vy gd rkís rvävl

Gideon checked out, and he left it no doubt To help with good Rocky's revival