The Labyrinth Song

ívnq räss, drkns ywns tú qlf s̀ l bt yr's 'mún bv ts cänqx :ynk :hír 'kl ts jz 'vspr yrú ytrís, mä rs kn hwlí mék t ·t bt :kn hír t n mä hw, vbwq zrq s̀ f cí cts

Evening rises, darkness threatens to engulf us all But there's a moon above it's shining and I think I hear a call It's just a whisper through the trees, my ears can hardly make it out But I can hear it in my heart, vibrating strong as if she shouts

rdní, :m kmq, :jz nd tú vrk ys més nsäd mä hd :kém hír läk ǔ s̀kt, :kw ybz, yt pw v mí s̀ dd rdní, :jz nd tú vrk ys més nsäd mä hd f nl :d hv lsx t vn ǔ fw mí yt yw

Ariadne, I am coming, I just need to work this maze inside my head I came here like you asked, I killed the beast, that part of me is dead Ariadne, I just need to work this maze inside my head If only I'd have listened to you when you offered me that thread

vríyq s̀ kvätx l'm x gsktlí cr f t rlí vs ǐr vös :hw r mé ts :dr yt's klósq p sm hró's bk n hs trk tú b 'mn kn t b yt l s̀ hrós hv 'py, bt x 'pln?

Everything is quiet and l'm not exactly sure If it really was your voice I heard or maybe it is a door That's closing up some hero's back on his track to be a man Can it be that all us heroes have a path, but not a plan?

rdní, :m kmq, :jz nd tú vrk ys més nsäd mä mäx :vc :hd yt zrq, ts ś dm drk, :ynk :m góq bläx rdní, :jz nd tú vrk ys més nsäd mä mäx fry läf v mí, ;dx rmmr vt :kém tú fäx

Ariadne, I am coming, I just need to work this maze inside my mind I wish I had that string, it's so damn dark, I think I'm going blind Ariadne, I just need to work this maze inside my mind For the life of me, I don't remember what I came to find

n· tl mí, prnss, r ǔ zrlq yrú ǐr sékw gróv? x s̀ ymún zl cänq? ǔ'r y ónlí yq :m ynkq v ysw ǔ gév mí, tvs hví, :jz hd tú lé t d·n ts fní h· dfnsls :kn fíl hír vn yr's nóbdí r·x

Now tell me, princess, are you strolling through your sacred grove? And is the moon still shining? You're the only thing I'm thinking of The sword you gave me, it was heavy, I just had to lay it down It's funny how defenseless I can feel here when there's nobody around

rdní, :m kmq, :jz nd tú vrk ys més nsäd mä hw :vs bläx, :yt ǔ'd bäx mí, bt ǔ fw mí 'jw rdní, :jz nd tú vrk ys més nsäd mä hw f :d nón yt ǔ kd gäd mí, :d hv lsx fmy zw

Ariadne, I am coming, I just need to work this maze inside my heart I was blind, I thought you'd bind me, but you offered me a chart Ariadne, I just need to work this maze inside my heart If I'd known that you could guide me, I'd have listened from the start

smvr p yr mdnt zräks, :ynk :hír yfl v wl drps v vtr, mgnfd gnz ybrn vl ts mzr 'fílq yn 'sbzns, bt yr's nóbdí r·x x vn :m n hír l lón, ts jz nf tú w mí dr·n

Somewhere up there midnight strikes, I think I hear the fall Of little drops of water, magnified against the barren wall It's more a feeling than a substance, but there's nobody around And when I'm in here all alone, it's just enough to let me drown

rdní, :vs kmq, bt :féw ǔ n ys lbrny v mä pz rdní, w mí sq ǔx ví'l mék íj yr lz rdní, :v féw ǔ n ys lbrny v mä pz rdní, w mí sq ǔx ví'l mék íj yr lz

Ariadne, I was coming, but I failed you in this labyrinth of my past Ariadne, let me sing you and we'll make each other last Ariadne, I have failed you in this labyrinth of my past Ariadne, let me sing you and we'll make each other last

Guide to Yash Shorthand